5 reasons every business should have a flagpole

Flags have been a symbol of freedom and patriotism since the birth of our country. America’s is one of the most recognized symbols worldwide, but it isn’t the only insignia. Businesses can also fly their own, and they should. Here are a few reasons every business should have a flagpole.

1. Promote Your Business

Flowing banners are an excellent way to promote your business. While there are certainly other options and strategies you can use, flagpoles are unique in that they can be visible from all sides of the property and offer maximum exposure at all times.

With a custom flag made of high-quality material like nylon, you can promote your location from the road. All you need is an overhead flagpole installed either directly above or near your entrance so that everyone can see it as soon as they pull into the lot!

2. Raise Awareness for Your City

Another reason every business should have a flagpole is so they can display their city’s symbol. It's an easy way to show off your civic pride. You can display multiple images on the same pole, but there are a few
rules to follow concerning etiquette. If you plan to display your city, state, and national flag on the same property, consult the code to ensure that you show the appropriate respect.

3. Show Your Patriotism

The American flag is a symbol of unity. By displaying it on your flagpole, you show your patriotism. There are
ceremonial days that the flag must fly at half-staff. You may have to lower your flag throughout the year to honor unexpected events and passings. Be aware of these so that you can participate as needed.

In fact, many businesses have an appreciation day where they give back to members of our armed forces. This could take place on Veteran's Day or Memorial Day. Every business should think about how best they can show their gratitude and appreciation toward those who serve our country as members of the armed forces.

4. Support Local Charities

Another great way to demonstrate your love for your community is by showcasing community partners or sponsor banners at your business. Because pennants are such an effective way to show support, local charities, events, sports teams, and many more may have collateral they will ask you to display.

5. Best Display Option

Flagpoles are the best display option for your business. They're easy to install and maintain and can be used in any season or location. If your business is off the main highway, you can use
heavy-duty commercial flagpoles to call attention to your site. If you are in a walkable part of town, your pole can be shorter but strategically placed to raise awareness. Either way, adding a flagpole to your property will increase business exposure.

Investing in a flagpole is a great idea. The versatility and visual appeal are worth the cost and time of installation.

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Many government buildings, including public institutions, public school buildings, and even temporary polling places, display state and national flags every day. These flags represent the people, their cultures, and their pride within their community groups.

If you’re in charge of displaying flags on a government building, you must consider the guidelines below to show respect for our country’s founding leaders and for the people who have sacrificed their lives so that we can live freely and pursue happiness.

Guidelines To Consider

Properly displaying flags on government buildings can be tricky. You have to take into account the location of the flags, their sizes, and even where you’ll store them after you put them away at night or during a storm.

The United States Flag Code establishes guidelines for flying flags on federal buildings. These were put in place to make sure that people treat flags with respect and maintain them for repeated use. This article will walk you through the main points.

Displaying the United States Flag

When you’re flying multiple flags on multiple poles of the same size, the United States flag should always fly from a place of honor, or on the pole that people typically view first. If your flagpoles vary in size, the American flag always goes on the tallest pole. The flag of the state of Texas is the only exception. This state flag is the only one that you can fly at the same height as the United States flag.

Likewise, if you’re hanging multiple flags indoors on a speaker’s platform, you should place the United States flag in the position of honor. The position of honor in this case is the farthest to your right as you face the audience and highest above the other flags in the arrangement; this puts the US flag in its proper function of respect above all other flags present.

If multiple flags are being displayed at the same time, the correct order—beginning at the observer’s left—is the United States flag followed by the flags of other nations. These flags should be flown at the same height. Continuing to the right, state flags and local flags are traditionally flown lower on the pole.

When you’re flying flags at night or during inclement weather, you should always illuminate them in some way. On a government building, you may also have to display your flags at half-staff on certain occasions. Some of those occasions are when a president or other elected official passes away, on days of national mourning, and on Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday in May.

Vertically or Horizontally?

When you’re displaying the US flag on the wall or window of a government building, you can choose to fly it either horizontally or vertically. More often than not, the layout of your building will determine the orientation of your flag. However you choose to hang the flag, the stars—also known as the Union—should always be in the uppermost corner to the observer’s left.

Displaying a State Flag

Some state government buildings choose to fly not only the American flag but also their state flag. The same storage and maintenance considerations apply, but you also need to be considerate of how the two flags will fly together.

For instance, if a state flag is flying on the same pole as the US flag, you should raise the American flag first and lower it last. Furthermore, you’ll often see that state flags are smaller than the US flag. It’s perfectly fine for both flags to be the same size; however, as a sign of honor, state flags can’t be larger than the US flag.

Etiquette for Storing and Retiring Flags

Flags are symbols that represent the people, and showing respect to flags when we’re handling them is imperative. You should store all flags in a respectful manner; specific folds are required for the American flag. Don’t store anything directly on top of your flags, and make sure the flags never touch the ground while you’re folding them and packing them away.

Inspect your flags regularly for tears or holes. It’s crucial that you understand when to retire your flags. When they’re no longer fit for display, you should either destroy or recycle them. Some organizations will collect damaged flags and retire them for you in a ceremony, often close to patriotic holidays. These ceremonies include burning the damaged flags or cutting them into pieces—excluding the Union—and recycling the remains at an appropriate location. You may also be able to retire your flags yourself.

You might also be able to repair your flag in certain cases. Just make sure to use a reputable vendor. Or you may consider simply replacing it with a new one so that there are no discrepancies in color.

Choosing the Right Flag

For starters, your flag should be about 1/4 to 1/3 of the height of the flagpole. For example, if you have a 20-foot flagpole, you should go with a 3-foot-by-5-foot flag. If you aren’t using a flagpole, you’ll want to find a flag that fits your space without overwhelming it. You also want to ensure it won’t touch the ground wherever you’re displaying it.

Flags can be made of many materials, ranging from cotton to nylon to polyester. Buying a cheaper option can be tempting, but we recommend that you purchase a quality American state flag that reproduces the exact colors and clarity for display. If your primary concern is durability, we recommend a sewn polyester flag, which can last up to six months when flown outdoors.

Of course, you don’t have to fly your flag outdoors. You can hang indoor flags in the halls of your building, while you can use small flags to decorate reception desks. Indoor flags tend to last longer, requiring little maintenance or handling.

Fly Your Flags

You should take all these guidelines into consideration when you’re displaying a state or national flag on a government building. All 50 state flags differ, but they all share a common purpose: to represent their people. Raise your flags high and honor them each day.

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The American flag contains 50 white stars in an indigo field, representing the 50 states, and 13 horizontal stripes (seven red stripes and six white stripes), representing the 13 original colonies. There have been 27 variations on the American flag between 1777 and 1960, but the colors have remained the same. The vivid red, white, and blue of the flag are as meaningful as they are beautiful. What do the colors mean on the American flag?

The meaning of the color red in the American flag

When the flag was adopted in 1777, there was no official meaning ascribed to the colors. It wasn't until 1782, when the Continental Congress adopted The Great Seal of the United States, that Secretary Charles Thomson declared their meaning. The red in the American flag symbolizes valor and bravery. Red was also the color of America's first unofficial flag, the Grand Union.

Some interpret the red color in the flag to represent the blood spilled by those fighting for our nation’s existence during the Revolutionary War and in military service throughout history. A large US flag is flown outside military facilities and is also ceremonially given to the families of fallen soldiers.

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan declared it "The Year of the Flag" and shared his interpretation of its meaning: “The colors of our flag signify the qualities of the human spirit we Americans cherish. Red for courage and readiness to sacrifice; white for pure intentions and high ideals; and blue for vigilance and justice.”

The meaning of the color white in the American flag

White in our flag represents purity and innocence. In 1977, The House of Representatives published a book on the meaning of the flag, describing the white stars in this way: “The star is a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun.”

The meaning of the color blue in the American flag

Blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The specific shade of blue is known as "Old Glory Blue," a dye made from the indigo plant.

The colors of the American flag hold multiple meanings, which is an apt reflection of a country made up of many people, cultures, and perspectives. According to flag expert Mike Buss of the American Legion veterans' organization: “For us veterans, the flag represents why we served. We were there because the flag represented our freedoms — freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion.”

Here at Flags USA, we believe that part of the beauty of the American flag is that, even as our country evolves and changes, the red, white, and blue remain constant. The flag reminds us of our shared ideals and invites us to work together to achieve our common goals.

When we look at the flag, it inspires us to continue striving together to achieve its promise of life, liberty, and equal opportunity for one and all.

The history and meaning of the colors red, white, and blue on the american flag

Quotes about the American flag

Flag-related holidays in the united states

Flag holidays are excellent opportunities to educate people about America’s history. Flag Day and other flag-related holidays are essential because they remind us of the path this country has taken. For instance, Flag Day is the anniversary of when the United States selected its official flag. Here’s some basic information about Flag Day and other flag-related holidays in the US.

Flag Day: 64 Years in the Making

On June 14, 1885, a 19-year-old teacher named Bernard J. Cigrand planned for his students to observe the US flag’s “birthday.” When the media learned about this, other people were inspired to do the same, and just two short years later, the New York Board of Education officially recognized Flag Day as a holiday.

Then, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially made June 14 Flag Day; his announcement was meant to inspire all Americans to observe Flag Day. But even so, Congress failed to officially establish the holiday. Nonetheless, many communities celebrated Flag Day for many years, but not until 1949 did President Harry Truman signed an Act of Congress to make June 14 of every year an official holiday.

Citizenship and History

Flag-related holidays in the United States are opportunities to use the flag to educate people about American history, including the history behind the flag itself. The American flag is a symbol of freedom, sacrifice, unity, and patriotism. The red stripes represent bravery and the blood of the people who have died fighting for the country, while the 50 stars represent each state in the Union.

How To Display Your Flag

On Flag Day and other flag-related holidays, consider displaying a flag outside your own home with one of our outdoor US flag kits. Whether your flag is a temporary addition to your decor or a long-term installment, there are a few guidelines for displaying your national pride by flying a flag. For instance, when you hang a flag horizontally or vertically against a wall, the Union—or the blue field of stars—should be on uppermost lefthand corner, to the observer. You should also never fasten, display, use, or store the flag in such a way that it might be easily torn, soiled, or damaged.

Some citizens also believe that wearing the flag on clothing is unacceptable, but according to the US Flag Code, you can wear flag clothing as long as it’s not made from an actual American flag. These holidays give you a reason to break out your star shorts or red, white, and blue hat.

Celebrating America

Flag Day, Memorial Day, and other holidays such as these are important because they remind us of the sacrifices other citizens made to achieve freedom and justice for all Americans. A true patriot knows how to honor their country by respecting its national symbols and being proud of their heritage. These days are celebrations of America’s independence as well as opportunities to learn more about this beautiful country.

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